Consist of face to face very detailed workout of targeted areas with an explanation of work.
Sessions are geared to met the individual needs of each client. Sessions are held one or more days a week for 30 minutes to one hour.
Consist of Zoom sessions that offer a customized online program the focuses on the unique needs of each client.
Sessions are held one or more days a week for 30 minutes to one hour.
Consist of a small group of individuals helping each other to reach fitness goals.
Sessions are geared to meet the individual needs of the group. Sessions are held one or more days a week for one hour.
Consist of Zoom sessions that offer a customized online group training sessions.
Sessions are held one or more days a week for one hour.
Phone: (502) 369-7722
Facebook: @Am.Fitness
One Stop Fitness:
Located at 5324 Bardstown Road in the Piccadilly Square ShoppingCenter.